Neil has lived in Marlow since 1975.He has been a Town Councillor since 1998 and was the Town Mayor for 2006 – 08. He has also been Chairman of the Town Council Planning, Environment and Transportation Committee for many years ensuring that planning applications are properly scrutinised. For the last year, he has been a key member of the Town Council Environmental sub group, which has been established to drive progress on environment and sustainability matters affecting our Town.
He has been one of your Wycombe District Councillors for Marlow since 2007 and where he was Cabinet member for both Planning and Economic Development. He also served on the Council’s licensing committee.
(Now retired) Neil was an engineering manager and a pilot for British Airways and serving the wider community, was a past chair of governors at Spinfield school.
Neil is also into sailing, plays golf, an ex oarsman and has a dog that takes him for long walks.Listening to and working for local residents, Neil wishes to continue to look after your interests on the new Buckinghamshire Council.