Conservative run Buckinghamshire Council has begun an ambitious programme of clearing gullies and drains across the county.
The drainage improvement works are designed to help prevent flooding and to keep drains and gullies across Bucks clean, clear and operational. The Council has set aside an extra £4 million to fund the works, as part of a wider improvement programme for residents.
We will be cleaning every single one of Buckinghamshire’s 85,000 plus gullies at least once. Critical gullies, that need cleaning more often to prevent flooding on the roads will be cleaned more regularly. Keeping water off road surfaces means less rapid deterioration of the roads themselves.
As part of the improvement scheme, we will also be carrying out repairs to drainage systems where there is a known local problem, or where a problem comes to light during the cleaning programme. We will also be carrying out extensive ditch clearance as part of these works.
In addition, more than thirty major schemes are being designed and built to tackle some of the worst highways flooding trouble spots where the existing drainage is just not up to the job.
Steven Broadbent, Buckinghamshire Council Cabinet Member for Transport, has been to Seer Green to see the operation in action. He said:
“We know flooding of highways is a significant issue for residents and we’ve allocated this extra £4 million to address their concerns. It’s all part of our overall pledge to clean up the county – we want residents to be able to see and feel the impact of what we’re doing.
“As in many other places, flooding and blocked drains have blighted people’s lives during spells of extreme weather so we are aiming to do what we can to protect people from the impact of flooding on our roads and footways.
“For instance, on School Lane in Seer Green, flooding from the highway has previously engulfed the footway, making it dangerous and difficult for residents – including school children and their parents – to walk through their village.
“Our comprehensive programme will address issues like this across Bucks as part of our commitment to residents.”
Upcoming drainage improvement works in the county include gully and drain clearance at Fieldhouse Lane in Marlow, Gorelands Lane in Chalfont St Giles, and Hivings Hill in Chesham.